The agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on Cooperation in the Regulation of Civil Aviation Safety (the Agreement) with its Pilot Licensing Annex (Annex 3) permits reliance on each other’s licensing and oversight systems to the greatest extent possible, within the scope of the Annex...

Flight Review

§61.56(a) and (c)

Flight Review, The purpose of the flight review required by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 61.56 is to provide for a regular evaluation of pilot skills and aeronautical knowledge. AC 61-98D states that the flight review is also intended to offer pilots the opportunity to design a personal...

Instrument Proficiency Check

Instrument Proficiency Check, Once you hold the instrument rating, you may not act as pilot in-command under IFR or in weather conditions less than the minimums prescribed for VFR, unless you meet the recentflight experience requirements outlined in 14 CFR part 61.These procedures must be accomplished within...

FAA Validation


Great news: New European Commission flight crew licensing regulations (Commission Regulation EU 1178/2011) prescribe a license format for all European Union Member States to follow. As a result of this format change, pilots' license numbers in European Union (EU) Member States will likely change...